Friday, May 01, 2009

because he is a khan

We were playing cricket the other day. As usual we were short on players and were yelling at the top of our voices to gather children playing around. So after a lot of effort our teams were set and we started playing. There was this small child named Waiz, harmless fellow who was sitting alone on a bench. I called him and asked him if he wanted to play. With little nod i understood that he was either afraid or really low on self confidence. well then it was all set and ready to play.

During the match there was this kid playing football and he kicked it to our section of the ground. He started yelling 'bhaiya aap de do, waiz ko mat marne do' (he asked me to kick the ball and dont let Waiz kick it). A friend of mine asked the football kid what was the problem if Waiz was to kick the ball. And the reply we got was shocking. He said "kyunki woh khan hai" (because he is a khan)..

Coming from a well educated family how can young people think like this. I mean we all hear bullshit about secularism and unity in diversity crap. There is no point if the young generation are still hardcore at heart.
Tell me what should we do???


Sarang Sharma said...

Dude you got it all wrong. What that guy meant was, being a Khan, the kid would be too strong and would kick the hell out of the ball hehehe....Ok seriously, you can't blame the kid, its his parents who are to blame...But if on the one side there are such people, then on the other there are others who are a lot more tolerant and progressive, and I think in India atleast opportuniy is not denied to anybody...But good work spreading the message of brotherhood :)

Unknown said...

yes i agree that it is not the kids fault. actually we were discussing that the parents must be the reason a child behaves in this unruly manner. you think opportunity is not denied to anybody, well i think u are wrong. what about the opportunity for tht young kid to play cricket, enjoy birthday parties, what about the opportunity to make friends????

gunny said...

Is this really a true incident :O, I am shocked...not in my life time have I come across one like this and bhayya, you should have immediately called the other kids parents and if possible all the parents of the Kids who were playing football and should have given them a lesson(funde) that this is intolerable, before blaming the parents, coming to conclusion and writing a blog, I believe you could have done something abt it.

Unknown said...

i did give the child a mouthful.. asked him if this was the way to behave.. but then kids these days no longer listen to anybody..

gunny said...

I am bad at writing and jus to clarify, my point above is to focus on the issue that parents may not be at blame as they might be really unaware of this situation as kids learn all sorts of carp at schools from their peers and these days even television. so if we at least care to inform the parents lest teach the kid our self it might be of some help.

Unknown said...

point taken aiyaa and you are totally right.. parents might be oblivious to this but i strongly believe that these things are taught at home. you are what your family is

gunny said...

If you believe so, I don't have anything in defense for it.

Vipul said...

Apart from all what others said, you may want to take a note to be tollerant (just like khan was) if someone abuse you raciallly and reply back in a possitive manner.

Unknown said...

@vipul: yes we should all learn to be tolerant.. infact that is what i wanted to put across. Why hate ppl on the basis of their caste.. or y hate them for anything else