Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Do we appreciate anything or anybody?

"Appreciate" as per oxford dictionary is : "recognize the full worth of" but today it seems that we have forgotten this word. We are so much interested in our own selfish needs that we are never grateful for anything that comes our way. The mindset that:people are supposed to help me, i should get this/that, its my right to claim this, is certainly making us rude. There is this overwhelming sense of entitlement. We take things for granted and thats where all goes wrong. We don't care for what others do for us, we just think that they are supposed to help. But this is not the case. Everybody deserves some thanks and gratitude for helping us.

With people getting richer, we are forgetting the virtues of gratitude and have started to believe that money has the power to get anything done. Well it sure does have the power to get you materialistic things but what about relationships? How much do we interact with our subordinates, our colleagues or our friends. We just think that these people are there for us. If somebody makes a mistake, we are all guns over him forgetting that its human to make mistakes. But then we are divine and we don't make mistakes.

So next time your friend helps you, somebody offers you his support or you buy something from a general store remember to say 'please' and 'thank you' coz it is all that is needed to make things work.
So please say please. [:P]

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